简介:In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time travel makes Nova young again and she crash lands into 2025 as a twelve-year old. Nobody seems to take her and her mission seriously, except for Nas - a neglected teen who tries to keep...
雪莉·伊顿,理查德·怀勒,乔治·桑德斯,玛丽亚·罗姆,Marta Reves,埃莉萨·蒙特斯,Beni Cardoso,赫伯特·弗莱史曼,Geraldo José Torres Camargo,Maria de Lourdes,Yuma Duarte,Cornélio dos Santos Farias,赫苏斯·佛朗哥,Valentina Godoy,Alberto Land,迪尔玛·洛埃斯,沃尔特·瑞拉