简介: The sixteenth installment of the Shake, Rattle & Roll film series after a 9-year hiatus since the fifteenth film. Neglected and addicted to gadgets, 6-year-old Lyka befriends a malevolent entity from a defunct children’s show, causing deadly events at home. A group of influencers and content creators gather for a collab in a luxurious mansion. A bunch of thrill-seekers go on a trip to watch a meteor shower.
艾丽西娅·冯·里特贝格,赫尔曼·蒂美拉斯,Stig R. Amdam,艾伦·多丽特·彼得森,Morten Holst,Siri Black Ndiaye,Gry M. Dahl,克里斯汀·多伦,Alicia M. Eidesund,彼得·福尔德,Ragnhild Gudbrandsen,Kalle Hennie,Niklas Kleppe,Oliver Haukeland Krossøy,Bjørn Myrene,玛丽亚·阿尔姆·诺雷尔,Gerald Pettersen,克拉伦斯·史密斯,Mirabell