简介: Based on a same-name 2013 short from Higginson, Relax follows Casper (Darby), a charming, but embarrassingly underprepared time traveler, now trapped in the past. When he befriends Holly (Graham), a jaded drifter, she helps him exploit his trivial knowledge of the future for a series of quick payouts, oblivious to the consequences they have set in motion. When tracked down by a more competent time traveler, Casper and Holly are forced to figure out what they mean to each other and whether the future they’ve threatened is even worth saving. Will they embrace their fate, or do they have the courage to change it?
斯蒂夫·古根伯格,布巴·史密斯,大卫格拉夫,迈克尔·温斯洛,Bruce Mahler,马里昂·拉姆塞,考林·加普,霍华德·海瑟曼,阿特·梅特拉诺,乔治·盖恩斯,博卡·格德斯维特,朱莉·布朗,Peter Van Norden,蒂姆·卡祖林斯基,艾德·赫利希,Sandy Ward,兰斯·金赛,乔治·R·罗伯逊,亚瑟拜坦德斯,杰姬·约瑟夫,Andrew Paris,詹妮弗·达林,Lucy Lee Flippin,贾森·赫维,戴安娜·贝拉米,朱莉·帕丽斯,Debra Dusay,Tim Haldeman,Bert